Date: Sunday 1st of November 2020

Weather: It´s sunny and warm today  

Season: Autumn / Fall

Hi Kids!!!! Good morning!

Por si alguno de vosotros se quedó con ganas de jugar el Kahoot que os

preparé de Halloween para el viernes pasado 30th of October, aquí lo tenéis.

Lo tendréis activado hasta el próximo domingo a las 12:OO pm.  ENJOY IT!!!

Game PIN: 08096440

Hello everyone!!!! Good morning!

This is today´s homework. Write down date, weather, season and copy and solve the activities.

Complete with: listening, reading, eating, cooking, playing, riding my bike, hiking and translate

1- I am………… the park

2- She is……………… classical music

3- He´s ………………...dinner

4- We are………………

5- They´re ……………… in the mountains

6- you are………………..a special pizza

Answer these questions with Yes, I do; No, I don´t or I don´t know.

1- Do you like skating/rollerblading?

2- Do you like swimming?

3- Do you like dancing?

4- Do you like snorkelling?

5- Do you like playing football?

6- Do you like playing fortnite?

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